Netflix Launched For GoogleTV!

Requiem was contracted by Netflix to create the front-end user interface and login credential checking for its TV/Movie streaming application on the first generation GoogleTV device. Given extremely short notice, an aggresive timeline and incomplete APIs, we delivered the working product weeks before deadline.

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Using The Fill Tool (Gradients)

Select the fill tool and press  to open the settings.


Choose 'Gradient' from the 'Fill Style' menu.


Choose 'Circle' from the 'Gradient' menu.


When you are finished with these settings, press the 'Done' button.


Press and hold the spacebar or  to begin drawing. Use  which will begin drawing a line. The start of the line will be where the foreground color begins, the end of the line where the background colors begins. Release the spacebar or  to apply the gradient.


Using a circle gradient.


Using an oval gradient.


Using a square gradient.


Using a rectangle gradient.


Using a line gradient.


Using a cylinder gradient.

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