Gem Slinger Featured In Android Market!

Put your quick reflexes and puzzle-solving skills to the test as you race against the clock with Gem Slinger! Draw back the bow to create clusters of 3 or more gems to clear the board before the wall comes crashing down on you! Multiple skill settings for more challenging play!

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Using The Shape Tool (Solid Polygon)

Select the shape tool and press  to open the settings.


Choose 'Polygon' from the 'Shape' menu.


Choose 'Solid' from the 'Fill' menu.


When you are finished with these settings, press the 'Done' button.


Press and release the spacebar or  to place your first point.


Use  to move the cursor, you'll notice a line connecting the previous point and your cursor's current position. Draw another point.


Place another point.


When you are ready to close the polygon place two points in the same spot.


When you do this it will add the final line between the first point and the last point.

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