ABS(variable) Returns the absolute value of the variable. Example: -Enter "=ABS(-5)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 5 which is the absolute value of -5 ACOS(variable) Returns the arccosine of the variable. Example: -Enter "=ACOS(1)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 0 which is the arccosine of 1 ASIN(variable) Returns the arcsin of the variable. Example: -Enter "=ASIN(1)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 1.571 which is the arcsine of 1 ATAN(variable) Returns the arctan of the variable. Example: -Enter "=ATAN(1)" into cell A1 -A1 will show .785 which is the arctan of 1 AVERAGE(variable1,variable2,...) Returns a number that is the average of the sum of all of the variables Example: -Enter "=AVERAGE(1,2,3,4,5)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 3 which is the average of (1,2,3,4,5) CEILING(variable, multiple) Returns variable rounded up to the nearest multiple. Example: -Enter "=CEILING(2.1,.2)" -A1 will show 2.2 which is 2.2 rounded up to the nearest .2 Example: -Enter "=CEILING(-2.1,-.2)" -A1 will show -2.2 which is -2.2 rounded to the nearest -.2 COS(variable) Returns the cosine of the variable. Example: -Enter "=COS(1)" into cell A1 -A1 will show .54 which is the cosine of 1 DEGREES(variable) Returns the value of the conversion of variable from radians to degrees. Example: -Enter "=DEGREES(3.1415)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 180 which is the number of degrees in 3.1415 radians EVEN(variable) Returns the variable rounded to the nearest even integer away from 0. Example: -Enter "=EVEN(2.4)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 4 which is 2.4 rounded to the nearest even integer away from 0 Example: -Enter "=EVEN(-3.2)" into cell A1 -A1 will show -4 which is -3.2 rounded to the nearest even integer away from 0 EXP(variable) Returns e to the power of the variable. Example: -Enter "EXP(2)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 7.389 which equals e to the second power FACT(variable) Returns the factorial of the variable. Example: -Enter "=FACT(3)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 6 which equals 3 factorial FLOOR(variable,multiple) Returns variable rounded down to the nearest multiple. Example: -Enter "=FLOOR(2.1,.2)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 2 which equals 2.1 rounded down to the nearest .2 Example: -Enter "=FLOOR(-2.1,-.2)" into cell A1 -A1 will show -2.2 which equals -2.1 rounded down to the nearest -.2 INT(variable) Returns the variable rounded down to the nearest integer. Example: -Enter "=INT(3.2)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 3 which equals 3.2 rounded down to the nearest integer Example: -Enter "=INT(-3.2)" into cell A1 -A1 will show -4 which equals -3.2 rounded down to the nearest integer IS_EVEN(variable) Returns 1 if the whole number variable is even. Returns 0 if the whole number variable is odd. (If the variable is not an integer it is rounded down to the nearest integer.) Example: -Enter "=ISEVEN(2.4)" into cell A1 -A1 wil show 1 Example: -Enter "=ISEVEN(3)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 0 IS_ODD(variable) Returns 1 if the whole number variable is odd. Returns 0 if the whole number variable is even. (If the variable is not an integer it is rounded down to the nearest integer.) Example: -Enter "=ISODD(2.4)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 0 -Enter "=ISEVEN(3)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 1 LN(variable) Returns the natural logarithm of the variable. Example: -Enter "=LN(12)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 2.485 which equals the natural logarithm of 12 MAX(variable1,variable2,...) Returns the max value out of the given variables. Example: -Enter "=MAX(2,3,4,5,9)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 9 which equals the max value out of (2,3,4,5,9) MIN(variable1,variable2,...) Returns the min value out of the given variables. Example: -Enter "=MIN(1,2,3,4,5,6)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 1 which equals the min value out of (1,2,3,4,5,6) MOD(variable, divisor) Returns the remainder after the variable has been divided by the divisor. Example: -Enter "=MOD(11,5)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 1 which equals 11 mod 5 ODD(variable) Returns the variable rounded to the nearest odd integer away from 0. Example: -Enter "=ODD(2.4)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 3 which equals 2.4 rounded to the nearest odd integer away from 0 Example: -Enter "=ODD(-3.2)" into cell A1 -A1 will show -5 which equals -3.2 rounded to the nearest odd integer away from 0 PI() Returns the value of PI. Example: -Enter "=PI()" into cell A1 -A1 will show 3.1415 which equals PI POWER(variable, power) Returns the variable raised to the power. Example: -Enter "=POWER(4,3)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 64 which equals 4 to the 3rd power PRODUCT(variable1,variable2...) Returns the product of the variables. Variables can represent a number, a cell value or a range of cells. Example: -Enter "=PRODUCT(1,2,3)" into cell A1 -A1 will equal 6 which equals the product of (1,2,3) Example: -Enter "3" into cell A1 -Enter "4" into cell A2 -Enter "=Product(A1,A2)" into cell A3 -A3 will show 12 which equals the product of (A1,A2) RADIANS(variable) Returns the value of the conversion of variable from degrees to radians. Example: -Enter "=RADIANS(180)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 3.1415 which equals 180 degrees in radians RAND() Returns a random number between 0 and 1 Example: -Enter "=RAND()" into cell A1 -A1 will show a random number between 0 and 1 ROUND(variable, decimal_places) Returns variable rounded to the value of decimal_places. Example: -Enter "=ROUND(1.12,1)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 1.1 which equals 1.12 rounded to 1 decimal place Example: -Enter "=ROUND(1.123,2)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 1.12 which equals 1.123 rounded to 2 decimal places ROUND_UP(variable, decimal_places) Returns variable rounded up to the value of decimal_places. Example: -Enter "=ROUNDUP(1.12,1)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 1.2 which equals 1.12 rounded up to 1 decimal place SIGN(variable) Returns -1 if the variable is negative, 0 if it is 0, 1 if it is positive. Example: -Enter "=SIGN(15)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 1 which means that 15 is positive Example: -Enter "=SIGN(-2)" into cell A1 -A1 will show -1 which means that -2 is positive SIN(variable) Returns the sine of the variable. Example: -Enter "=SIN(1)" into cell A1 -A1 will show .8415 which is the sine of 1 SQRT(variable) Returns the square root of the variable. Example: -Enter "=SQRT(16)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 4 which is the square root of 16 SUM(variable1,variable2...) Returns the sum of the variables. Variables can represent a number, a cell value or a range of cells. Example: -Enter "=SUM(1,2,3)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 6 which equals the sum of (1,2,3) Example: -Enter "3" into A1 -Enter "4" into A2 -Enter "5" into A3 -Enter "=SUM(A1:A3)" into A4 -Enter "=SUM(A1,A2,A3)" into A5 -A4 will show 12 which equals the sum of the values in A1,A2 and A3 -A5 will show 12 which equals the sum of the values in A1,A2 and A3 SUMSQ(variable1, variable2,..) Returns the sum of the squares of all of the variables. Example: -Enter "=SUMSQ(1,2,3)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 14 which equals the sum of 1 squared + 2 squared + 3 squared TRUNC(variable) Returns the variable as an integer, less all precision beyond the decimal point. Example: -Enter "=TRUNC(3.2)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 3 which equals 3.2 less all precision beyond the decimal point -Enter "TRUNC(-3.2)" into cell A1 -A1 will show -3 which equals -3.2 less all precision beyond the decimal point TAN(variable) Returns the tangent of the variable. Example: -Enter "=TAN(1)" into cell A1 -A1 will show 1.5574 which is the tangent of 1 |