Requiem Software Labs
Bing (Microsoft Live Search) |
Requiem was contracted by Danger/Microsoft to create the Bing (Live Search) for its latest iteration of devices. Our software was released as pre-installed software for all T-Mobile Sidekick mobile devices. Millions of devices use this application daily.
Live Search is way more than just a great mapping and driving directions app. Use it to avoid traffic jams, score the best deals on local gas prices, get business listings and even find movie times! Really, Live Search is your on-the-go-EVERYTHING. Best of all, it’s free! |  Maps are optimized for extremely fast loading using Bing's map tile service. User also have the option to to save map tiles to the back end service or to your internal SD card. Cacheing of map tiles is especially helpful when you enter an area with no data reception.  Can't find the street you're looking for? Zooming up to 10 levels of magnification is done effortlessly using trackball. As maps are loaded they will be cached internally for even faster results.  Maps can be viewed in five modes: Street - Use this for fastest loading times. Satellite - See even more details using highly detailed satellite images. Hybrid - This option overlays street names on top of the satellite map.
Topographical - Walking or riding your bike? View the topographical map to see how bad those hills really are.
Traffic - This option overlays traffic density over the standard street map to help you avoid delays. |  Looking for something to eat in your area? Use Bing's hybrid search feature to find a great spot using either keywords, names or addresses.
 Search results will the address, phone number and website for a business. Hours of operation and user ratings guide you to the place the is right for you. A handy link to driving directions helps you to get there quickly and with no hassle.
 Or simply view all your results and their proximity to where you currently are, scrolling easily between results to find the exact place for you. |  Not quite sure what you are looking for? Bing allows you to search for businesses by category.
 Bing provides you with top search options to guide you to your destination.  Thousands of sub-categories narrow down your search to the exact type of business you're looking for.  Once you've narrowed down your search, Bing quickly returns all entries near your location or around a location you have specified. |  Search for a specific movie in your area or find what local theatres are showing.  Bing will populate a list of all movies showing near your location, what type of film it is and provides helpful user ratings to assist you in making a choice.  Once you've selected a movie, easily browse local theatres where it is showing. Results also show the length of the film and available showtimes.  Or you can simply browse theatres in your area so you can find what is the best option for you.  The theatre view provides the address with a handy driving directions link to guide you on your way. Purchase tickets right on your mobile device using the website shown. |  Driving directions can be entered using addresses, names or keywords.  When a result isn't quite clear, Bing provides a simple way to determine exactly what you are looking for.  Driving directions area clearly shown on your map and will quickly get you on your way with the assistance of GPS services (provided your device is equipped).  Browse the route before you go and quickly determine distance and duration of the trip. |
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