Netflix Launched For GoogleTV!

Requiem was contracted by Netflix to create the front-end user interface and login credential checking for its TV/Movie streaming application on the first generation GoogleTV device. Given extremely short notice, an aggresive timeline and incomplete APIs, we delivered the working product weeks before deadline.

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Cropping An Image

In this example we want to crop the image so that we only show the tree on the left side. First select the marquee tool.


We want to crop out a rectangular region, so we'll use a rectangle marquee. Press  to open up the marquee tool settings. Then select 'Rectangle' from the the 'Marquee Type' menu.


Move the cursor to the top-left corner of the region you want to crop using  .


Press and hold the space bar or  , then using  move the cursor to the bottom-right corner of your desired region and release  .


Press  , then select 'Edit', then 'Crop'.


A dialog will appear to confirm that you want to perform this action. Press the 'Yes' button.


Your image has been cropped!

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