Armored Strike Reaches #2 spot on Android Market!

Armored Strike has been a big hit on Android reaching the #2 spot on the Android Market for Top Paid Games. With over hundreds of thousands of users, Armored Strike is one of the biggest hits of the season. New content and features are being added all the time, so check it out!

Flashcards PDF Print E-mail
Flash CardsQuiz yourself on the go! A personal flashcard study and quiz system with support for multiple card decks and email import. With Flashcards your phone just became your best study-buddy. Build custom flashcard decks based on subject, chapter, topic or whatever fits your personal learning style. Create cards in a simple and intuitive environment and then switch into quiz mode to practice on-the-go. With Flashcards you can even have a friend email you study notes and instantly convert them into a flashcard deck. Lose the pack of 3x5 cards, it is time to upgrade.


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