Available for Android, Get it now! (Click either link below from your Android Device) Demo Version Full Version
Get behind the turret and lock your sites on your enemies, this is going to be an epic battle! You will have to use every ounce of your skill to destroy the cunning tank commanders that are out to destroy you. Take refuge behind a tree, radio for supplies, call in air support. Battle human, computer and networked opponents across 9 different terrains with multiple wind conditions. Unlock all 7 vehicles using a huge variety of 31 weapons. If you have no other choice you may be forced to deploy the nuclear option. |
To begin the game you will choose your vehicle. You can scroll through your options by dragging your finger along the selector, or by moving up and down with your trackball/d-pad. When you first play, only one vehicle will be available, but more can be unlocked by earning experience by killing or damaging other players, trees and paratroopers during online play. To view the information about a particular vehicle, simply touch its icon and you will be shown how much is experience is required to unlock it, or the vehicle's stats if it is already unlocked. Each vehicle has different strengths and weaknesses so it's a good idea to pay attention to the your starting location, terrain and weather conditions when making your selection. |
Next you will be given the opportunity to purchase weapons. You can scroll through your options by dragging your finger across the selector, or by moving left and right with your trackball/d-pad. To view a weapon's information, simply touch its icon.
Now you will see your control displays - these provide you with all the information you need to crush your enemy. The arrow projecting from your tank indicates how your shot is being aimed. To adjust the aim, touch and drag the tip of the arrow so that it points in the desired direction. The longer the arrow, the further your shot will go. You might find it helpful to fine tune the angle of your shot by touching the buttons on either side of the 'Angle' display. This can also be done by moving left and right using the trackball/d-pad. To fine tune the power, simply touch the buttons on either side of the 'Power' display, or by moving up and down using the trackball/dpad. The wind can be a factor in the trajectory of your shot, you can see the wind strength in the display as well. Touch the weapon icon to choose the weapon to fire. When you are ready to shoot, press the 'Fire!' button. |
This is the weapon selector, you'll see an icon representing the munition type and a number, which is the amount ammunition available. You can scroll though the list by dragging your finger across the selector, or by moving left and right with your trackball/d-pad. When you are ready to choose, simply touch the weapon you want to use - provided it has ammo - and it will be readied. |
Sentinel (Standard Tank)
Bonuses: Armor: 0% Movement: 0% Ballistic Range: 0% Firing Angle: 220° Damage: 0% |
Mercury (Scout Tank)
Bonuses: Armor: -10% Movement: +20% Ballistic Range: +10% Firing Angle: 180° Damage: -2.5% |
Valkyrie (Light Mech)
Bonuses: Armor: -20% Movement: +40% Ballistic Range: +20% Firing Angle: 200° Damage: -5% |
Goliath (Assault Tank)
Bonuses: Armor: +20% Movement: -40% Ballistic Range: -20% Firing Angle: 180° Damage: +5% |
Dragonfly (Infantry Mech)
Bonuses: Armor: -30% Movement: +60% Ballistic Range: 0% Firing Angle: 200° Damage: 0% |
Kodiak (Heavy Mech) Bonuses: Armor: +10% Movement: -20% Ballistic Range: -10% Firing Angle: 200° Damage: +2.5% |
Carrion (Skirmisher Mech) Bonuses: Armor: -15% Movement: +50% Ballistic Range: -25% Firing Angle: 200° Damage: +2% |
Small Mortar The default weapon. Although it doesn\'t cause much damage you have unlimited ammunition. Damage:  |
Medium Mortar A slighty larger shell with more of a punch. Damage:  |
Large Mortar A massive mortar that will leave a serious crater. Damage:   |
Triple Mortar Three small mortars fired in quick succession at slightly different trajectories. Damage: (per shell) |
Shotgun Fires a burst of lead, doing kinetic, rather than explosive, damage to the target. Not very accurate from a distance, but devastating up close. Damage: (per impact) |
Shower Mortar A cluster of three shots that bursts in mid-air and showers down in the direction they were shot. Damage: (per shell) |
Firework Mortar A cluster of four shots that burst in mid-air and rains down in all directions. Damage: (per shell) |
Eruption Mortar A cluster of five shots that erupt upwards upon contact and bursts in all directions. Damage: (per shell) |
Thumper Fires an explosive shell which detonates with diminishing damage on each bounce. Damage:  (diminishes each bounce) |
Pyro Thumper Similar to Thumper but each bounce also showers napalm into the air. Damage:  (diminishes each bounce, plus napalm) |
Grenade An anti-tank grenade with a timed fuse. It will bounce, roll or fly for four seconds and will not explode until the time is up. Damage:   |
Magnetic Grenade Similar to the standard grenade but with the addition of a magnetic core which attracts it to vehicles within a certain range. Damage:   |
Triple Grenade Three grenades fired in quick succession at slightly different trajectories. Damage:  (per grenade) |
Flame Thrower Fires a stream of napalm from the end of the tank muzzle. If the napalm hits a tank it will stick and cause fire damage across multiple rounds. Damage:  (per napalm, per round) |
Napalm Canister An exploding canister that showers sticky flaming napalm in all directions. If the napalm hits a tank it will stick and cause fire damage across multiple rounds. Damage:  (per napalm, per round) |
Short-Range Missile Pack Six missles that travel in a straight line and explode after a short distance. Range is unaffected by power. Damage: (per missile) |
Medium-Range Missile Pack Four missles that travel in a straight line and explode after a medium distance. Range is unaffected by power. Damage:  (per missile) |
Long-Range Missile Pack Two missles that travel in a straight line and explode after a large distance. Range is unaffected by power. Damage:   (per missile) |
Small Cannonball A small explosive on a short fuse that upon exploding unleashes a light rain of shrapnel. Use ground or air bursts for different results. Damage: , plus (per shrapnel) |
Medium Cannonball A medium explosive on a short fuse that upon exploding unleashes a heavy rain of shrapnel. Use ground or air bursts for different results. Damage:  , plus (per shrapnel) |
Large Cannonball A large explosive on a short fuse that upon exploding unleashes a devestating rain of shrapnel. Use ground or air bursts for different results. Damage:   , plus (per shrapnel) |
Spider Droid An automated robotic weapon. Release the droid and it will travel in a direction until in finds a tank, runs out of time or cannot move any further. Range unaffected by power. Damage:    |
Daisy Cutter Fires an shell which explodes outwards along the ground on impact. Damage:    |
Carpet Bomb Airstrike A flare to alert air support to drop five light bombs. Causes moderate terrain and tank damage. Damage:  (per bomb) |
Cluster Bomb Airstrike A flare to alert air support to drop a rain of cluster bombs. Causes extensive terrain and tank damage. Damage: (per bomb) |
Napalm Airstrike A flare to alert air support to drop three canisters that shower sticky flaming napalm in all directions. If the napalm hits a tank it will stick and cause fire damage across multiple rounds. Causes heavy foliage and tank damage. Damage:  (per napalm, per round) |
Tank-Buster Airstrike A flare to alert air support to drop three heavy tank-buster bombs. Causes heavy terrain and tank damage. Damage:   (per bomb) |
Strafe Airstrike A flare to alert air support to strafe attack the ground. Depleted Uranium shells cause heavy damange to tanks. Damage:   (per bullet) |
Rocket Airstrike A flare to alert air support to perform a rocket attack on a position, bringing fierce firepower to bear on ground units. Damage:   (per rocket) |
Dive Bomb Airstrike A flare to alert air support to dive bomb a position. Four medium bombs dropped with high precision. Damage:   (per bomb) |
Nuclear Artillery This weapon of mass destruction destroys large areas and usually kills everything in its path. Damage:      |
Obtaining Power-Ups Power-ups are available at the beginning of the round as part of the shop, or they can be obtained by using paratroopers. |
A paratrooper will be activated for the tank that reaches it first. When a tank moves within range the paratrooper will radio in a supply order for you. While the supply order is being 'tuned' in you can press the button to try to get the radio to tune in on a positive power-up. Once the order has been made the paratrooper will disappear. If you think an enemy will reach a paratrooper before you, or you simply can't reach a paratrooper, the paratrooper can be killed by your weapon and will be removed from play. |
Additional poweups can be obtained only through paratroopers... Repair Replenishes a portion of your health if your tank is damaged. Extra Fuel Get extra fuel when your fuel tank is running low. Armor Pack Increases the effectiveness of the armor, reducing damage taken. Fog Of War Lose your display incidators for a turn so you cannot accurately aim or power your weapons. Fuel Spill Lose a portion of your fuel. Sabotage Causes an explosion that damages your tank.

Player Names Name your players in the text fields under the player headers, players can be named anything you like. Player Types There are multiple player types that can be mixed and matched for a variety of play-modes. Empty This will turn the player in that slot off. That player will not appear in game. Human This is a human opponent playing on your device. This is fun for a party game environment where the device can be passed from person to person. Computer (Easy) This is an easy difficulty computer opponent. Computer (Intermediate) This is a normal difficulty computer opponent. Compter (Hard) This is a hard difficulty computer opponent.
Player Tank Color You may select any of the tank colors for any of the tanks so long as no tanks are the same color. In this screen it is shown as the vehicle's crate since you don't select your vehicle type until the game begins.

Terrain Different terrain changes the strategy of the game. Some terrain is very hilly, and some is very flat.

 Wind This option will change the speed of the wind in order of increasing speed from Calm, Breezy, Blustery, Strong, Hurricane. Calm is almost no wind with Hurricane as a very fast gust of wind. The wind direction and speed will be indicated in your heads-up bar when in the game.
Rounds Number of rounds in a game, from 1-10. A round last until there is only one tank remaining, or there are no survivors.
Damage Terrain With this option on you will be able to damage the ground. Explosions will leave craters and divots in the ground, and large areas will collapse and cause minor landslides. With this option off the terrain will not sustain any damage from explosion. Trees are not affected by this setting and will always take damage. |
When you hit the 'Play Online' button in the title menu you will brought to the Game Lobby. Here you can see all the games which are currently active. Touch a game to highlight it and its rules will appear on the right side. To join a game, simply touch the 'Join Game' button on the bottom right of the screen. Keep in mind you can't join a game that is full. |
Can't find an open game or one with rules you like? You can also create you own game by touching the 'Create Game' button on the bottom-right of the screen. Here you'll be given a number of options to control how the game will be played. You can also create private games which require passwords for players to join. |
Click the chat icon to join the chat room and talk to other players. Clicking the chat icon in the Game Lobby will allow you to talk to all player waiting in a lobby and not currently in a game. Clicking the chat icon during a game will let you talk to players in that game. |
Also off the lobby you can find the 'Achievements' button. This will give you a list of tasks which earn you experience used for unlocking new vehicles. Complete all the achievements in a given category and you'll be given an Achievement medal on your rank badge. |
While in the Game Lobby, touch the "Leaderboard" button to view some game-wide statistics. On the left side is a legend of rank badges and how to determine someone's rank (this is a scrollable list vertically). Next to that you'll find your statistics including how much experience you need to achieve you next rank. You can scroll this information horizontally to reveal leaderboard statistics for the top 25 players across wide-ranging categories. |