At the supply shop you can find a wide collection of weapons broken down into the following categories:  Pistols - Standard sidearm, effective against lesser threats. 
Magnums - More powerful than the common pistol, these weapons fire larger slugs capable of stopping enemies in their tracks, if not taking them down altogether. 
Sub-Machine Guns - Lightweight automatic weapons that can bring more firepower to bear when in the midst of a cyborg swarm, but weak in long distance attacks.

Shotguns - Very powerful at close range, effective at keeping the enemy at a distance with a single blast.

Assault Rifles - Heavier automatic weapons which fire larger slugs at a faster rate.

Sniper Rifles - Highly accurate and capable of devastating damage. These weapons are loaded with munitions capable of passing through enemies, damaging multiple targets along their path.

Chain Guns - An extremely fast firing rate unleashes a rain of hot metal sufficient to annihilate any foe. Weapon Modes - Some weapons have the ability to use different firing modes... Semi-Automatic - Will fire as often as the firing key can be pressed.
Burst - Will fire a group of 3 shots per press of the fire key.
Automatic - Will fire as long as a firing key is held (provided there is ammunition).